Let's Work Together

Want to know more? Have something special in mind? Need a little more customization? Tell me here and let's start planning!


How will we receive our photos & how many do we receive?

What should I wear for my session?

How long will it take to get my photos?

Can I have the RAW image files?

Are your packages customizable?


How will we receive our photos & how many do we receive?

I deliver all edits in an online gallery that is so easy for you to view, download, and purchase photos! I don't hold back when it comes to delivering every quality image, so you can typically expect over 50+ images for an hour session. Weddings can expect anywhere from 400-800 images!

What should I wear for my session?

Whatever type of pictures we'll be taking, remember to be comfortable & to show off YOUR style! Earth tones with a pop of rich color always look stunning in pictures. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions. Pinterest is also a great source of inspiration!

How long will it take to get my photos?

Since I teach elementary full time on top of running a photography business, developing & editing your gallery typically takes 3-4 weeks typically! For weddings, 3-4 months can be expected to sort & edit thousands of images! I'll always be honest about when you can expect your photos to arrive!

Can I have the RAW image files?

No! When you invest in a photographer, you're investing in their time & artwork. Part of my pricing includes the effort I put into selecting and perfecting every image for you!

Are your packages customizable?

Yes! I'm a flexible person especially when it comes to planning pictures with my clients. If there's a certain session you're looking for or see a package you need tweaked, shoot me a message!